Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mid Term

For my mid term research project i will be looking at the affetcs performence enhancing drugs has on athletes. I will concentrate on how it affects the major leagues. I will also discuss the effects performance enhancing drugs on the athletes body, after he finish playing. I chose this topic because it is an issue thta we are facing right now and something that has been in the news recently, especially now that the Mitchell report has come out. I got this idea on wednesday, when we were looking up possible topics in the library.

1 comment:

Miller said...

Andrew: This is another interesting topic and one I'm sure you will have no problem finding information. However, I think you need to narrow your focus a little more. There are already numerous publications about the effects steroids has on the athlete's body, and the Mitchell report did a fine job discussing the effects on the major leagues. You need to find a narrower, more manageable focus for your paper. That's where you need to work a little more on, to think through what it is you are going to research and write about.

This blog posting also required that you include a hyperlink to at least one source. And you need to proofread for sloppy errors in your writing.